Unplanned Pregnancy?
Confirm your pregnancy, explore your options, and find the support you need to make a fully informed choice.
Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms
Have you missed your period? Taken a home pregnancy test with inconclusive results? We can help.
Abortion, Adoption and Parenting Info
Learn more about all your pregnancy options including the types of abortions, including the abortion pill, adoption choices and resources, and help for new parents.
Resources, Referrals and Free Services
If you decide to continue your pregnancy, we offer a comprehensive list of referrals in the High Country, as well as several in-house programs at The Hope Center to prepare you for this journey. These free programs include the Journey Through Motherhood Mentoring Program, Childbirth Education class, and the Yes, She Can! Student Scholarship.
Know for Sure.
DISCLAIMER: We provide education on abortion and pregnancy options. We do not refer for or perform abortions.